Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pitiful attempts

Monday's day went well eating-wise though I didn't exercise, I had an unfortunate muscle spasm in my back from snowboarding the day before. Yesterday was just awful, I lost weight and weighed in at 132.6 and then I ate super unhealthy. I'm not entirely sure why I have this pattern of losing weight and then sabotaging myself, to figure it out I'd have to delve into some dark pits in my mind.

But! I did keep track of what I ate and I ate around 2,350 calories! Which all in all could have been way worse based on my track record, but I'm still not happy about slipping (again). I recommitted to working out in the morning and yes, I did get up before the sun in the freezing cold to go to my friends apartment to use her gym to workout in.

But, she's got a bajillion roommates and 2 showers and I feel uncomfortable getting ready there so I made the executive decision to make today my cross training day and just walk so that I wouldn't sweat and get nasty and require a shower immediately.

Don't worry! I plan on walking some hills with the baby today in her stroller and I even packed all sorts of good and healthy things to get me through my day.

I mean, when you have the capability, why not just go for it?

Monday, October 17, 2011


So today I am taking on the challenge of p90x, my mom bought it and now I can take it and use it! I am pretty excited about it, I'll be able to do a weight lifting routine in the privacy of my own home. The gym I belong to has a fairly small weight lifting area and it's always full of me. Well hello there guy with a neck the size of my thigh, let me just do my bicep curls of 10 lbs. yea I'm good.

Also, it'll allow me to not spend so much time at the gym getting my cross training days in because I'm doing this instead. And and and!! The crazy results that people have from the program!

I know I know, you're thinking, how can you do the 6 days a week workouts for p90x and also train for your half marathon?? Well let me tell you, you dubious person. I plan on not doing two of the videos! No cardio x ( I'm already running so what's the point) and no kenpo x. I just plain am not a fan of myself doing martial arts. So I'm using that day to snowboard instead because the snow fairy came early this year! And I usually head up to the mountains at least once during the weekends.

My schedule will be sort of like this:
3 days of running
4 days of p90x
1 day of snowboarding
1 day of rest

Some days are going to have to be double workouts like in the morning and after work but it's not like I really have anything better to do...

Long time no see!

You people/person behind the computer screen may have been questioning my lack of posts and wondered if I popped into oblivion like the evil mushrooms bopped on by Mario... I have been a bad blogger and may or may not have been avoiding people because of the topic of my blog: running/weight loss. I guess that's the type of dieter/exerciser I am. I avoid the problem until it gets too big. I fell of the wagon about 2 weeks ago with my healthy eating and it's been a spiral of back alley deals with myself and desperate binges in a dark corner. Not a good place to be frankly. But finally, thanks to all the people around me who are also trying to get healthy (I'm looking at you mom and racheal!) I hopped back on the veggie train yesterday and have been doing well.

The verdict is, I gained 3.6 pounds (gah!) and am now at 134.0 even. Annoying.

It's easy to tell yourself that you'll eat healthier tomorrow when you are already stuffed, but it's a totally different thing to make the right choices when your mind is begging for sugar. Even when it doesn't feel good in your stomach, it still tastes good in your mouth. It's a tough place to get past.

My plan for today:

Eat healthy goodness
Go for my scheduled 2 mile run

Oh, and my workout last week were non-existent except for snowboarding yesterday. I have to get back to that

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sweet Sweet Weekend

So yesterday was my day off from work (because I asked it off and it was A-mazing!) let's recount the things that I did yesterday shall we?

9:00 am- Drag my sorry butt out of bed and watch an older episode of the bachelor pad with my roommate
10:30am- Leave house to go to the closest Y to run 3 miles on the indoor track
10:45am- Arrive at Y
10:50am- Find track and realize its 14 laps to a mile. 14!!
10:52am- Begin running, think this isn't so bad, keep a fairly awesome pace.
11:02am- Am questioning my counting abilities...did I run 12 laps already? Am I on the 12 one? Let's just say this is the 12th lap to be safe...
11:05am- "14" laps complete and my phone tells me I've only gone half a mile, decide not to trust my phone
11:10am- Realize I have no idea how many laps I've actually gone, but keep trying to count
11:25am- Start getting pretty tired of running, running in circles is even less fun than the treadmill, have been watching kids play in a bouncy castle on one court and metally-challenged kids play basketball on the other. Not entertaining
11:30am- Think that my counting skills have seriously lapsed because have gone at least 32 laps (2.3 ish miles) in 35 minutes (VERY slow- am not actually running this slow..) begin walking another 5 laps because am sweaty and tired
11:40am- Begin stretching and sweating buckets all over the floor- attractive.
12:00pm- Home and watching Army Wives!

For the rest of the day I...
- Cleaned the kitchen
- Took out the trash
- Vacuumed the apartment (and a mostly dead spider- ew)
- Cleaned bedroom
- Cleaned bathroom
- Dusted
- Watched more Army Wives (it's an addiction...)
- Took a bath in clean bathtub
- Shaved my legs! (finally!)
- Got rid of some facial hair (shhhhhh)
- Painted my toenails!
- Got ready for a date- esquired him and his roommate to a bar and drove them about
- Watched Lord of the Rings- did not understand any of it.
- Fell asleep watching Doug around 3 am.

Yes I was so very very productive on my much needed day off! Today is Saturday and includes wedding dress shopping with one of my best friends (so excited for her!), being whisked off to some outlets to go shopping with my awesome boyfriend--I get to pick out his clothes! FINALLY and then to Denver for some galavanting and a Rapids game. Shaping up to be a pretty good weekend,

Also, yesterday I weighed in at 130.4!!! 7 lbs lost in a little over 3 weeks!! I am going to make an appointment next weekend for that much needed haircut