Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy Sunday!

Party party party party party!! I've lost 4 lbs!!! YAY!!!

Current Weight: 133.4
Weight Lost: 4 LBS (<<<<YAY!)

I'm proud of myself because I feel like this has been a turning point. Normally I lose a few pounds and then lose my motivation and then eat horribly that day and spiral out of control for a few days or weeks and lo and behold I've gained the weight back! But, I've been feeling very strong and motivated and I'm pretty stinkin excited!

To celebrate I'm going to share my list of rewards that I plan on giving myself once I reach my little mini-goals

Once I reach...

130.0- Hair cut from Veda Salon-- crazy excited for this one, I need a hair cut really badly...
125.0- New earrings/ pj's-- I only have like one pair of earrings because I keep losing mine and I am obsessed with finally being able to wear cute pjs. Currently I am a wearer of the large t-shirts from the boyfriend and pj pants
120.0- Shopping trip!! I can't wait to go shopping for Fall clothes!

I love love love Fall and I really want to be able to buy some size 2 jeans and long sleeve shirts without having to worry about muffin top and back rolls (ya'll know what I mean) and what about skinny jeans tucked into some really really awesome boots! I've never been able to feel comfortable in skinny jeans because I feel like I look like an ice cream cone with my large hips! Momma says I got them birthin' hips.

So yea, 3.4 more lbs until I can get my hair cut and 4 lbs closer to my goal!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, keep it going! I can't wait to see your new hair!! =)
